
Monday, August 30, 2010


     You know the saying...I never said it would be easy...I just said it would be worth it? Well it is sooo true. It is so easy to gain weight but losing it...Now thats another story! I saw a quote today and it was the perfect quote for me in my life right now!!!

-"The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary!" May V Smith

     I loved it because even though it took me a while to put the weight on, now that I've started losing...I want to lose it and I want to lose it NOW!!! lol I guess I just have to be patient and do the WORK!!!

1 comment:

  1. I agree! It fits my life perfectly right now. After doing Bootcamp at Fuel Fitness this morning I drove home thinking "Why am I doing this to myself?".Then I decided I needed to figure out my motivation to be there and I needed to figure it out fast or I would never go back. :) I realized that I really want this. I worked so hard and I am not going to give up until I am content with my health and the way I look. I am doing this to be healthy and part of healthy is exercise. Losing weight is so hard but we need to keep reminding ourselves of why we are doing this. Otherwise we will just give in and live our lives the easy way. In the end it is worth every hardship you face along your journey.
    Thanks for share the great quote, Kristy!
